Hmm..based on these top 10, most of them are about Sheldon and Penny. See??I like Sheldon and Penny the most! Lol xp
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The Bing Bang Theory and Me
Hmm..based on these top 10, most of them are about Sheldon and Penny. See??I like Sheldon and Penny the most! Lol xp
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Baby Meiko :)
Our ex-colleague just gave birth last May. So, my friend invited a few of us to donate money for her present. I agreed to join the allies and asked to pay around rm100+. I paid.
So, one person was given the task to buy the present.
See..what she bought. The number of people in the allies is similar to the toy above. I wonder if it represents each of us. If that's so, I wanna be the cow! haha.
By the way, congratulations to Takasue sensei for the born of adorable Meiko!
Who's next?? (pick me!pick me!)
Friday, June 28, 2013
19 Shaaban 1434h
Thursday, June 27, 2013
I'm so sorry...
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Post viva aftermath..
Saturday, June 22, 2013
This time let me start with a nasihat. For your next trip, get yourself a sort of trip diary. Now I feel frustrated that I forgot the chronolgies and all, it's hard to give a helpful answer. I usually go like.."lupa dah" although baru je beberapa bulan.
Nevertheless, I remember the places I visited. long as the pictures there. pheww..God bless who invented camera.haha..precisely digital camera! heh..
I may not be able to write everything I do, but i'll try as much.
Anyway, this time I'll write about two places you must go in Sapporo.
Historical Village, Hokkaido
Lihat, punyala real perkampungan ni, siap ada public transport..yaitu kereta kuda:D
Friday, June 21, 2013
Dealing with break ups..
Why do people always leave me??!!!why??.why????waaaaa!!!!!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Dining in Hokkaido-Cheese!
Last time I stop at seafood. I hope the review could help you get a picture of what Hokkaido is all about (for men, that is food!)
As I mentioned before, I was mostly looking forward to let myself loose on a green field besides white cows with huge black spots, like what we've always see on a milk's box :p My imagination went like, I would help around carrying the freshly squeezed milk and could finally drink the freshest milk ever (not like u can be allowed to drink straight tau.haha)
So, of course one thing I look forward to do in Hokkaido was indulging their produk tenusu like cheese and...susu! anyway, it was actually including the meat, but of course la we muslims are forbidden. So, we stick to susu and cheese je k. Yogurt pun, but yours truly is not a big fan of.
Cheese..all we had in mind was..italian food. Banyak je restaurant Italian especially because we jalan-jalan most of the time around Sapporo je. Our hotel pun memang tengah-tengah (gile) Sapporo city. But, we can't waste any time. It's like no space for mistake in making decision bab-bab makan ni. haha..kalau dah penuh, agak payah la nk cuba yang, bagusnya Jepun ni, u ols taip aje la kat google tu 'famous dining place in Sapporo' (contohla..ayat carian boleh dirombak mengikut keselesaan anda). So, we did! Following the result, we were brought to Sapporo eki (Sapporo station), to an Italiam restaurant name Circo. According to the ranking given in the website, this restaurant is number 1!lol xp
This kedai is located on the 3rd floor (kot) x ingat. But u wouldn't find it by the roadside, you have to keep your eyes on the papan-papan tanda on the building. But basically, it was just opposite Sapporo eki (however, the eki is so huge..and I'm pretty sure this wouldn't help :p) haha.
Let's have a look!

Interior. Every food akan dipresent bebaik punya..some of presentation I put them in keek. hihihi
As of omiyage (souvenirs), mashaAllah...banyak sgt rasa nak beli. Like above example, the cheese (which I found it ridicuclously expensive), cakes (because of their butter, most of their cakes are awesome), butters, and..etc (suddenly I got writer's block). we bought susu yg mendapat gelaran golden award.haha..but I prefers yang kat atas tadi. It is more drinkable than the golden one. haha..
Till then, see you soon! xoxo
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Dining in Hokkaido-the seafood series
The restaurant looks from outside. It was such an experience to eat at this kinda restaurant. Despite of the look, the seat were always full and ranked among the top for kani.
My review?
Sedap tu memang sedap, but too expensive with its portion. If you want to eat kani, I adviced you to eat in Curb market instead.
One of the chef of the day!Oh, I forgot to mention, if you come here, get the table,instead. the view would be the Otaru canal. so romantic! ^_^
Monday, June 10, 2013
Shiroi Koibito Park, Hokkaido
View outside shiroi koibito park.
So, what is this place? I had no idea at first, but after the visit, I'd say..this p
place simply a chocolate factory (again?!I know right??). I mean a pretty chocolate factory, located in a building of many museums like musical instruments, etc. Ada show juga you can enter. There's chocolate making class, where you can register and make chocolate for your loved ones. I wanted to but then changed my mind because like 90% of the participants were children >,< basically, it was like visiting willy wonka chocolate factory in the movie!
The inside of the building was like a French Royal Home gitu. Cantik!