Testing on my just installed blogpress

Let's try putting on pictures...

There you go..my favourite danish pie ever!!!Manis-manis buah je...It's true la Japan is the place to find the finest pastry based food (that's what I heard from my friends who believe they should be born Japanese

this blogpress will help yours truly stay connected with all of you dearies!anywhere anytime!^_^
matta ne..
p/s:i still need to install another application iaitu 'anti-malas' (utk mengcleankn virus-virus malas yg ada dalam diri ini).
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
nk install jugakla blogpress.heeeee
ReplyDeletemcm sedap dalam gambo tue?nak!
ReplyDeleteBlogpress boleh pakai kat ipong je ke wani? sobsss T_T
ReplyDeleteAnum:especially for you yang dah ada ipad tu:D
ReplyDeleteZam: memang sedap gile!aku mmg x minat mende manis2..kalo kt mesia jaranggile mkn...ni dh jadi mcm tiap2 hari kne mkn >,<
Mmolina: hehe..ada byk application lagi.tp ni plg pemes..wa install la nih..mesti ada application utk model lain jugak o_O na mungkin takde >.<