The one n only thing I consistently have in mind..and keep worrying over n over again. I think I will stop thinking about it is when d tailor has started their work!Until then, I will repeatedly change my design T-T Girls got a lot of things we alwiz have our attention on (we kan ade 9 nafsu..) For me, i love baju. i love dressing up. I think 'him' knows this best. If you give me option: a free lunch o free dress, i definitely pick up dress=p haha.. even wedding day, cannot stop my lust for dresses T-T (I cannot 'puase' shoping baju just for d wedding..i've tried..but i cannot T_T) . So, I hope with this short intro, you guys will get to understand how hysterical I will b if it involves d dress that I wud put on esp. on MY WEDDING.
The word dare doesn't suit, but I love to be different. So, I dont think I will be happily sarung je any baju kebaye lacey2 on me. For now, Im thinking of goddess satin this one:

But, u see..satin will revealed all ur weakness..err..shall i passed??
The one n only thing I consistently have in mind..and keep worrying over n over again. I think I will stop thinking about it is when d tailor has started their work!Until then, I will repeatedly change my design T-T Girls got a lot of things we alwiz have our attention on (we kan ade 9 nafsu..) For me, i love baju. i love dressing up. I think 'him' knows this best. If you give me option: a free lunch o free dress, i definitely pick up dress=p haha.. even wedding day, cannot stop my lust for dresses T-T (I cannot 'puase' shoping baju just for d wedding..i've tried..but i cannot T_T) . So, I hope with this short intro, you guys will get to understand how hysterical I will b if it involves d dress that I wud put on esp. on MY WEDDING.
The word dare doesn't suit, but I love to be different. So, I dont think I will be happily sarung je any baju kebaye lacey2 on me. For now, Im thinking of goddess satin this one:

But, u see..satin will revealed all ur weakness..err..shall i passed??