2 weeks without updates!I think if I continue abandoning writing, I would never come back again=( That's how easy I can stop writing. Explaining how bad I am in it=p
I just arrived in Hiroshima yesterday morning. The plane departed at 12am and I was home at exactly 10 in the morning. Yeah..that's how efficient transportation system in here is=) I was then dozed off till night=(
Alhamdulillah..my return to Malaysia was filled with so much activities until I didn't have the chance to shop. Overall, the aims were achieved and I had no regret of anything. Still, 2 weeks are so short. There were few meetings that I failed to show up. Gomen ne..Nasib baik ade facebook^_^
As soon as I arrived in Malaysia..yeah..I got no feelings. Duh!
(Let's not talk about that)
I was supposed to go to
SCR's solemnization ceremony. However, on the day, I was not be able to show up due to family matter (that weekend, my family were busy doing preparation for my sister's wedding which is on next week). So, I was stuck with my mom went around our relatives houses. Gomen SCR dear for not be able to jadi kepochi on ur wedding T_T..
I knew SCR from the high school. Lived together in the same dorm is different with just meeting in the class. Honestly, I was so grateful to be placed in Sarjana Two (Our dorm's name). There I met a bunch of girls with colourful personalities. There were 9 of us. I am the head. And I believe that I was one of the most annoying girl in the batch. If it wasn't Sarjana Two, I didn't think that I would be accepted and pampered=p haha..(even I was the head..but most of them acted like a sister to me, especially SCR). haha...Sometimes, I felt like she is a sister to me. She helps me in many ways either consciously or sub-consciously. Looking at her, has helped me to embrace my own personality and not ashamed of who I was back then. I bet she never realized this=p Thank you SCR for just being yourself=)
SCR is now married. With her high school sweetheart. Oh..she's a beautiful creature. She has never been single..I guess=p
Knowing her, I know what to expect. She is one person who knows what she wants. and of course she'll break all the walls for it=) She just have the power...don't ask me how she do it.
About her wedding?
It was breathtakingly beautiful. All was done so perfectly without being so cheapskate or wasting. In conclusion, she got the wedding of my dream.
Of course no!if it's SCR, No.
Let's check out her wedding ^_^

Pelamin of my dream. I could not believe we also want the same pelamin??But yours was soooo much cantik!!!!!!!!!!!Alhamdulillah U got it!

With 3 of my best friends (even though they didn't addressed me as one..you guys really my best friend!hihi).
Okeh...actually, I wanna show you guys the arch. I love~~the crystal dangling there..especially when it's purple!Looks so royal??No??=p

Can you guys see their dress??So english kan? SCR really thinks of the details and stick to the theme so well!

Wahaha..I was so hyper..explaining my tudung senget2 there T_T

Photo booth..Good effort SCR!There were printed shout available..but..we didn't noticed them T_T

Cutesy!the doorgift!
What else can i say..SCR..U r one lucky lady!let alone ur husband..he's so lucky to have u ^_^
Be a good wife.
Don't forget us. And good luck in whatever you do!
Wish you all the happiness in the world.
Kekkon Omedetou Gozaimasu!