Salam Ladies...
Actually my time constraint does not allow me to babble in this blog..yeah..supposedly..but i don't care!haha..Oh well, now is my lunch hour which I rather spend it in my officethan in the shokudo (where you can meet other people and..socialize=p haha)..
Before I proceed..I would like to reveal something about myself (you can skip it if you want=p).
Besides being so 'talented' in working with cancer (waaaa..x bes sunggoh field T_T)..I love handmades and..sewing!!yey!! During my teenagers, I always sewed my purse, hp case and more cases (until all my things got their own sarung=p lol!and after all my things got sarunged, I sarungkan my kakak's things plak..haha). After all got their cases, I sew small handbags and more handbags until my mom rimas dgn bag2.haha..
And I was not just sew it..I was also embroidered my own corak on all items. My labels pon I sulam..and my label was my signature=p lol!haha..
I love to make and own all of these handmade items because:
1- I love to see yield out of efforts. So, handmade and sewing are things that I good at and..I love to see the yield! ^_^ However, I had never tried using sewing machine. So, I usually got injured of too much sewing. I could not afford to buy one (but I had never asked from my parent..hmm)
2- I love to be different. And..I love to be unique in a crowd=p That's why that time I decided to make it myself as many could you make that similar to each other right??
3- Handmades allows me to be creative..and expressing my artsy part of my brain=p
4-yadda..yadda..(byk la pulak T_T..later sambung)
Another secret is...last week..I skipped working the whole week..n hid at Toyohashi T_T...I really didn't wanna go back to Hiroshima..(akibat too manje with hubby T-T)..Apparently my husband had succeeded in making me board the shinkansen last Sunday..haha..omedetou for him T-T..
I was absent minded all the way..until..I saw a 'fat' parcel in my post box! Oh, then I remembered..I purchased bags and bags (lol!) from Kak Sohana!yey!!dah sampai..(and my soul then finally entered my body =p)
Allow me to share with you guys what I bought ^_^
The handmade items gathered. I was so x sabar2 koyak all wrappers=p
Comelnye the detailing...Just what I like for the pocket =)
See..the hook..comel sgt T_T
Oh..Kak Sohana's personalize label...=)
Another reason I love this bag..The inside lining..Good choice Kak Sohana! ^_^V
Look at this sling..aarrr...sgt cute!!I promise you that this bag looks prettier in live!sgt cantik. The sewing all kemas. It's like you are buying from patented professionals!Looks like kak Sohana is really a pro now!
Arr..look at the front pocket..just nice to put my iphone and listen to it while walking or cycling. When it rings, it will be easier to grab!hihi
Back pocket..just what I have imagined for my sling. Kak Sohana just have chemistry with me la ^_^ Oh, this pocket where I put my glove in.
The inside..just nice to pack my everyday needs..not too bulky but not too small..just nice!

She made a special patch on my coin purse which I just love. Kak Sohana..when I was crazy about doing cases for all my things..I alwiz do patches on everything..But of course yours is prettier ^_^..No doubt that I love my own purse (+card holder).

So detail!Even this thing is small..but I love it!So, I hang my Paris keychain at it. wanna see?
The overall look of my purse now!adding another reason for me to stop at the konbini and buy something!(coz I need to hold you for a good purse=])
Although it's hand made..Kak Sohana assure you the quality.
What is this??hihi..It's a card holder PLUS coin purse!!
In Japan, coin purse is so important!They use lots of coins. It's the currency thing..will be long to explain. So, carrying a coin purse to work everyday will be enough already. But, I got tired of grabbing my card holder and coin purse separately..Then, I saw Kak Sohana have it as one!Ape lagi!without further ado..I ordered one!
hihi..My love label again..It got meaning for me=)
Love what I have??
You can have your own visiting Kak Sohana in her blogspot ^_^
Meeting Kak Sohana was totally a big coincident!really..we met out of the blue in of course...kedai kain.haha..
Oh, apparently, we shared the same birth date. Maybe that's the reason I love all your items..Tp..I think everybody who sees ur products feels the same I guess, it's not about birthdate=p haha...
Oh, it's getting too long.
Anyways, feel free to drop by Kak Sohana's online shop. I promise you a better view than what you have seen in here=p lol!Don't worry..she also take orders from Malaysia ^_^
Jya Matta, wassalam..
A note fell when I open the parcel..It says;
My answer: Owhh..Thank you for the invitation..Of course I wanna got to Kyoto. I hope I could make it while you guys still there ^_^ *pray hard!* (i wanna learn how u make all this lovely things!!I wanna try it myself and make lots of handmades for my daughter later ^_^)
The back view;
Me Love too ^_^