Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Masakan survivor yg br sampai rumah dr trip=p

Salam lovelings..

OMG...I had promised myself to start investigating the way of cloning peptides for disease bla2...
but it's cuti, so my system n my brain also got shut down T_T..
Therefore, another post for today.

However, let me alert you guys that this post is really irrelevant=p
Cooking sambal sardin my way=p

When I arrived home from Toyohashi, I don't have anything in the fridge. And I arrived home at 9 coz apparently I was so busy on the Monday T_T OMG..

So, I just have sardine in can and..potatoes ..i mean aging potatoes T_T, I guess, I can cook something out of them.
So, sambal sardin it was!

I guess all of you had already know how to cook this. This was my first time T_T..
I'll show you how I did it using what I got in the fridge=p
Mind correcting me, ok?!
It's just sardine. So, I was reluctant to post it at first. However, on the way, I was thinking, why not?
I had already fried the potatoes. In the pan tu you can see I was cooking the chillies (+red onion+ garlic blended together with the chillies).

Pour in air asam jawa (my mom usually used asam keping, but I don't have it here T_T) and mix with the already well-cooked chillies.

Pour in the sardines and cook them together with the chillies. Put some salt.
The other way, you can also fry the fish first. In my case, I was so tired to do so T_T
Observe the oil. When the oil started to merge on the surface, pour in the fried potatoes and slices of onios. Mix them well.
This was my first sambal sardine=)

For my beginner friend, I hope this could help in varying your skills in cooking can food=p

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