Salam lovelies...
Ngantuk lagi T-T..
Anyways, my current obsession towards my sling bag still has not showing any reduction=p ahahah..
Since I carry this bag (2 hari baru=p) many people were asking where I got this bag..surprisingly, even guys were asking (while touching my bag here n there).hehe..
Again..please visit MyBotang for more..(don't choose one like mine lor..nnt tetukar=p ahaha)
And also, I got many compliments..and questions..about my boot..T_T..Then I have to reveal the secret..T_T..
As for the boot, I cannot help...because I bought it in Jusco=p Lol!

Secret to be seen well-dressed??Always have confidence in what you are wearing (even you are wearing a baju tebalik ^_^)..Good Luck!
QueenForADay me ur boots plk!