Just tomorrow I'll be going back to Malaysia!!I don't know whether I am happy to be back. I am so confused T_T...maybe it's because I am already not happy with my life now=( So, even the adrenaline was actually secreted, the receptor was just not there to feel it..coz probably they all have already died=( OMG..pray hard so that I won't end up in psychiatric ward or something T_T
It's really hard to socialize in here I tell you. Especially when you don't have the motivation to catch their language=(
I had a very I must say a comprehensive chat with my friend in the embassy. In the middle of our chatting..we suddenly talked about the social life that I have in here. And to my surprise..he had described my social life here so perfect..no missed points. Well...where else he got the informations none other than..he had also experienced the same thing=p ahaha...
Let me summarize the dilemma that we both are facing:
Most of the foreigners that we met in here are either from Indonesia (I think they are the major group of foreigners in the whole Japan=p), Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh and China. I had no idea that they don't have second language like we do. So, they have difficulties to speak in english. Hence the motivation to learn Nihongo.
So, living in here made me appreciate Malaysia more, specifically our education system.
Therefore, I would like to declare in here my support for maths and science to be taught in english =p hihi..yeah..I am one of the worst student in my class in english subject and yet..they bow when they heard I speak=p bahaha..what the..
We have to be thankful to our system (and also that we was born in Malaysia)..for rising us like this. That we don't need to seek english lesson outside of school. Therefore, please advice your child or niece or other siblings to appreciate our school system and make full use of it. They'll know it once they go outside. By being able to talk the world language (I consider english as the world language), we Malaysians have no reasons to be scared to explore the world=)
Ok, let's stop this very motivational babbling!OMG..I am so adult!T_T
I love December.
Because my schedule are full with parties!Here I met more of foreigners and gotten to know more about their country. So glad that finally my facebook are coloured with so many different languages and..letters=p bahaha..
Malaysians in the faculty=)
Next party that I'm going to show is the Friendship Party hosted by the President of Hiroshima University. So, only those who received invitation could come=p This one party was actually a formal party (but I had no idea about it, hence the jeans T-T). If I ever told that that was formal..I don't have any dress to go with T-T huhu..I just arrived remember =(
The member from my Nihongo course=p
Malaysians with the President of Hiroshima University
In conclusion, I love party!I gotta meet people and be cute!bahaha..
I hate that I have to carry the name of Malaysia and University of Malaya everywhere I go=( Such a big responsibility T_T..I just wanna b a housewife la!err...yeah...housewife who makes money of course=p
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