Salam ladies=)
yey!!Finally I got some time to post in here..y??Because suddenly my training class got cancelled *grinning + jolted eyes* kihkih..besnye!!!(it would definitely b great if I can go back to Toyohashi by now T_T No use coz hubby work from 3pm to 5am T_T). So, now I am officially stranded in Hiroshima with lots of free time T_T..
As u guys could guess, is already winter.It's been 4 days since the sudden drop in temperature. At first I wonder how is the season transition occurs? Now I know (after being in three different seasons..)..they do it in a sudden. U will immediately notice it the next day. In here today..guess what..3degree celcius T_T but with the bright sun on ur head..I think i still can cope with this one just well=)
Anyways, since my life is now very dull with black and white prints, hence this post, i.e. My last winter ^_^
This post is actually the continuation of this one. Click here for the prequel ^_^
I left you guys around shinjyuku right??
Now let's begin this one with one of my fav city in Tokyo, i.e. Yokohama.
p/s: friends in Yokohama, correct me if I am wrong ^_^

It was winter, hence all the togel pokoks. I had a hard time to climb on that..I know it's not that high..but I was shivering T_T (alasan!)
We are going to Akarengga!!The wind was so strong..My coat got flipped up so many times, hence so many shots looking like Marilyn Monroe pakai tudong =p
This is nearby Akarengga..
Hehe..yeah..lot's of rides.Just like in Genting Highlands, but bigger and full of Japanese=p Seriously this 'playground' was huge!I don't think we have covered all areas. Anyways, It was colder when night arrives (and they arrived so early during winter k. Gud to do your puase ganti ^_^). So, most of my energy were used to make myself warm.

Oh, I had takoyaki je the whole face was like that due to sushi effect T_T
Last time, I showed you harajuku street at night. The photo was slightly blur kan??here's how it looks in a daylight..well yes, I didn't dare to walk in the seas of human there..that time was H1N1 outbreak..lg x can you squeeze urself to be drown in there??
So, I just walked around the Harajuku City je..Again for Forever 21.
It was damn cold!but the light is nice for photoshoots ^_^
Oh, Akarengga??It is a long building..a mall made of red bricks all over. I cannot elaborate more on how beautiful the building was. Unfortunately, I don't have the picture here in my pendrive..I have to check in my HD=p Gomen..
Meanwhile..please enjoy the better picture of Akarengga here ^_^
Leftovers from a collapsed building due to earthquake la..ape lg=p They discovered there was actually a building buried when they wanted to develop the area. I could not remember much about the remnants was maybe a court.
We spent a few hour here, while waiting for the clock to tick 00:00 ^_^ The next day's gonna be the first day of 2010. So, people here usually went to out to watch hanami (fireworks). So did us=) A lot of things that has amazed me which I just seen it on TV=) In this CosmoWorld, what do you think they offer??
Oh, the photo?That's me riding the ferris wheel..hontouni ooki desu!When you are on top..U could see the top of the tallest building nearby..yeah..that's how huge the wheel was.
Perfect memory of Yokohama=)
Oh, this one I must tell you. About Fukubukuro. Look wat what I was holding. That's a bag full with tops from Forever 21. I just pay 2000en=rm60. I got 4 tops, a pair of pyjama, a bag and a belt!!But, what you got in the bag is not known. So, it's like a surprise bag!haha..
Almost all stores have their fukubukuro during new it Adidas, Nike, H&M, Onitsuka, Rolex..ade je fukubukuro.hehe..even the electrical stores offers fukubukuro..
Do not ask me more about gadgets..what do u think??
It's winter..I always have lust for food..hehe..especially those that I had never tried ^-^ On weekend, harajuku street was also lined with food stalls..that has made my visit to Japan..very Japan=p Lol!

Another most memorable place in Tokyo that I have been was..Tokyo Disneyland =) The part that made it most memorable???Not that you can see in here=) It's of course..classified!hehe
Look at those fat takoyakis! See those squids..yeah..hence the fatness..
To go here, I advice you to take the earliest train available from Tokyo City. Because Tokyo Disneyland is not located in the is actually in other city, that is Chiba..but still they call it Tokyo Disneyland=p ahaha..
However, do not worry..transportation wise is awesome here!
Oh another reason that you have to get here early is...the ticketing counter..fuhh..guess you get it!Just come early won't you? soon as you passed the will go chasing all the bf just have to chase me back with cameras=p

The should I elaborate any further how stunning it was!
He's so 'uncute''s ok I look like a bunny there=p
A lot more pictures with characters loh...this entry would be like a movie if I put more of it=p
All and all, I think my visit to Tokyo was sweeter than my pre-honeymoon.ahaks!It would be better if we are already married that time=p bole hugging2..haha (that time, if I was too cold what can he nasehat...or buy me a hot can drink for me to grip T_T)
We both are now busy with our own job. Yeah..being an adult is so not fun huh!
Am I finish about Tokyo..yet??
Well guess what??
Mada mada desu!
QueenForADay ^_^
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