Ohayou gozaimasu..
It's been two days I was playing makeup2 with my friends at the Lad. Dept of one shopping mall here..
sigh..I thought I will be missing Mid-valley-ing time which I usually did almost every evening in UM..
But now, I have my own version of MV here..even without starbucks..I guess this will do ^_^
You know..end of the year..our schedule is loaded with parties.
Hence, the make up 'requirement'=p ngahaha (alasan to put some finally T_T..what a dull job I am in right now T_T)
'Unfotunately' (for my hubby dearie)..I found friends who shared the craziness to shop with me..In fact they are much crazier T-T..I am no more the girl in a green scarf if I go out with them=p wee...but I still talks to figures wearing good goods=p ehehe
Ok2..back to the topic;
I am selling this! (when I wanna play makeup at home..I found that I bought the wrong eyeshadow!watthee....after 2 hours wandered around the ladies dept..I brought home the wrong thing that I wanted the most T-T..wat the...)

I'll be back to Malaysia next week!So, will courier this along with me.
Here's the detail:
Colour: silver (uhuhu..that's y I don't see any reason to keep it T_T but who knows people who are looking for this!)
Price: RM20
wau cam menariks je.. ehehehe..
ReplyDeletehehe...ape lg mak andam oi..ade x eye liner silver=p