Salam ladies...
Just came back from nihongo need some break..
note to myself:whyla I am not motivated to follow the class??never mind giving attention to the session T_T..I need motivation...motivation...
Ok, moving on.
Actually, I had been saving the following photos for quite a longgg tyme.
My intention:To share with you guys, my experience touring Tokyo.
Once upon a time..dikala wajahku maseh mude;p
I went to Tokyo last year, to be exact on the 24th of Dec. Arrived the next day, which is on the christmas.
Well yeah, that time I have no idea that I will actually got married in the next year (2010) and also, I had no idea that I will get engaged the same year that I got married..(oh yes, that explains y I am a bride with no budget;p)..
p/s: If I knew that I will get married, xdela pegi melancong2 bagai kan T_T
Okeh, once I arrived, my husband (that time my bf;]) was waiting fer me at the arrival. The first thing he was looking for..guess what??
Zinger KFC tu T_T
So, we found a place to sit n rest for awhile..n of course having our breakfast..zinger burger;p
The view was sooo nice..There's a glass wall enable you to see arrival and taking off of air planes.
During that time, I knew that it's winter..but I had no idea how it feels.
Then my bf brought me to the rooftop.
Oh my..It was really cold that I decided to wear another layer of coat.
The first time, really made my eyes dried and excited..and scared (how wud I live in a weather like this T_T..). But realized that I was with him, problem.I have him;)
Yeah2..the Hard Rock in Roppongi.
There's a lot of Hard Rock cafes that I noticed.
Roppongi is one of famous spot in Tokyo. For comparison, it was quite like Bukit Bintang. We went there at 11p.m. And the town was still alive..Of course most of the stores were already closed. So, I guess the people there are after the club.
Oh, another thing that's fascinate me..there are a lot lot of Blacks (I wish I knew the more appropriate term to call them). They were like waiting along the hallway, approaching men and promoting..u know...err..sometime, they can force you to er...
My friend told me about his experience being approached by them. He tried so hard to refused, and when the time he thought that it's too much, he told them that he's Muslim..and surprisingly, they immediately withdrew! The power of Islam=)
One thing you must know, all restaurants in Japan will sell liquor even it's a halal restaurant. It's just the condition that they have to abide=(
To get to the mosque, I think you have to stop at Sinjyuku station.
Because many of the attires that I carried were not bf brings me shopping (anyways, you don't need reason for this rite?;p)
Besar kan H&M ni??Seriously I got pening choosing.
However, I didn't realized that H&M was way cheaper than other boutique untillll....the last day I was in Tokyo T_T..
Because, I spent lots of times shopping in Forever21 T_T...
No I like their design better=)
Oh, another thing, you have to QUEUE to enter this boutique ramai org..
And their boutique ni ade byk kt Tokyo..dkt2 je plak..tsk2..
One thing to remember, if there's any disease outbreak, this is one place that you shall not go..If you can see the 'lautan' manusia behind us too (oh I wish I already have DSLR mase tu T_T)..
If you are one fan of Harajuku street fashion, kt sinila kedai2 nye ye..hehe..
a lot a lot..the system sort of Petaling Street. But, it's clean and yeah you can leave your bag one will pick;p
Me at Harajuku??pegi masok Forever21 jugekkk...ahah..
If you love cute2 things mcm strap..ape2 la yg cute (beyond your imagination)..Harajukula tptnye...
Ok again, if ever I had DSLR mase ni T_T
Picture above is one of those..cannot speak a word;p ahaha
Actually, we were at this one very tall building.From this bulding, you can see the whole Tokyo. You can see Mount Fuji, Tokyo Tower, bla2...
and yes, the entrance is FREE!!
This one thing that I regret..since I go in winter, sun was set at about four. S0, when I arrived to this building, I could not see Mount Fuji T_T *sad*sad* The Tokyo Tower was stunning at night, however;)
Who said you cannot eat fast food??
Yes you can..there's ebi burger. Still, you have to be careful with the sauce. Most of them contained pork. But, ebi burger from FIRST KITCHEN is save to be consumed by us=)
One of the stunning place in Tokyo..I got a collection of photos taken at this spot. Those are one of collections that I adore=)
Photos of us at this one spot ni, dh jadi trademark plak =) sampai kedai printing banner insisted to use one of this pictures for the wedding (while I suggested other photos T_T)..
Naseb baek the banner turned out pretty=)
Oh, this post getting too long..
Tp ade byk lg nk share..
Mind waiting for the next?