Salam ladies..
I got fever today.hence the time to update=) hehe...(alasan=p)
I read a post on wedding cheat from sab's blog.
It happened that I was actually done most of that. But for my e-day la..haha..(can't believe i was such a cheater..and it was revealed T_T) haahha...
One of the thing that saved me a lot was photographer n d album. From the previous post, u'll know that I'm getting all the workhorse for free. I got all the raw files from them. The number of photos were countless (of course, there were 4 photographers T-T). Dah name pon free kan..takkan nk suroh dorang editkan siap2, I did all d editing of the pictures that my mom asked me to cuci T-T haha..(I did all this for the sake of her demand;[)
So, I decided to learn how to do all this editing. My fiance told me to download a software called 'lightroom'. But I forgot when d time I need to do that (wrongly searched for 'lighthouse' T_T). So, I ended up using Picasa. haha..Not bad.So...easy.hehe..At first I was questioning why la the photographer mintak mhl2...when I was done with photos number 150..hari dah, that's y. It consumed a lot of time la tapi. But, as for me, it was a satisfactory experience that I could determined how my pictures were supposed to look like.
At the end, I have about 200 piccas edited by me=p hihi..But, this thing pon u cannot simply do it starting with zero knowledge. hehe..Y?cz after cuci I found that the yields were not exactly d same with what our monitors might be showing. er...tak paham??er..its like..this artworks required experience. U need to have to b really good to predict the actual colour when it is printed (cz my printed photos all laen from the monitors T_t).
here's the teaser for my e-day's album..hehe
(the cover..abaikan muke my fiance.hoho)
Album tu murah gle.haha..tak sampai x??;)
The b2b yg sedang mrh dgn decoratornye..
I got fever today.hence the time to update=) hehe...(alasan=p)
I read a post on wedding cheat from sab's blog.
It happened that I was actually done most of that. But for my e-day la..haha..(can't believe i was such a cheater..and it was revealed T_T) haahha...
One of the thing that saved me a lot was photographer n d album. From the previous post, u'll know that I'm getting all the workhorse for free. I got all the raw files from them. The number of photos were countless (of course, there were 4 photographers T-T). Dah name pon free kan..takkan nk suroh dorang editkan siap2, I did all d editing of the pictures that my mom asked me to cuci T-T haha..(I did all this for the sake of her demand;[)
So, I decided to learn how to do all this editing. My fiance told me to download a software called 'lightroom'. But I forgot when d time I need to do that (wrongly searched for 'lighthouse' T_T). So, I ended up using Picasa. haha..Not bad.So...easy.hehe..At first I was questioning why la the photographer mintak mhl2...when I was done with photos number 150..hari dah, that's y. It consumed a lot of time la tapi. But, as for me, it was a satisfactory experience that I could determined how my pictures were supposed to look like.
At the end, I have about 200 piccas edited by me=p hihi..But, this thing pon u cannot simply do it starting with zero knowledge. hehe..Y?cz after cuci I found that the yields were not exactly d same with what our monitors might be showing. er...tak paham??er..its like..this artworks required experience. U need to have to b really good to predict the actual colour when it is printed (cz my printed photos all laen from the monitors T_t).
here's the teaser for my e-day's album..hehe
Album tu murah gle.haha..tak sampai x??;)
The b2b yg sedang mrh dgn decoratornye..