Short intro: I AM SOOO DAMN TIRED WITH ALL THE PREPS!!n now I am blaming my mom for giving me a very few siblings!huh!
Short content related to tajuk: ade org ngumpat saye kt sini.
Short conclusion: Will definitely missing U, Fifi T_T..I think v have shared so many feelings n downs..i must say that we'v grown up at critical time together. Anything, please blame my husband for colekking me from u all T_T worries la a few years, I am sure we will b working our a** for UM tecinte T_T hahaha..SEE U THEN!;p
Dekat dah....nangis nangis. T_T
ReplyDeleteWani, if let say aku akan ke jepang dlm oct or nov...walaupon jauh dr rumah kamu nanti..adekah kamu akan dtg melawat aku? huuuu T_T
T_T (tgh nanges..)
ReplyDeleteoct or nov..for now i dont think so cz semester just started.masetu komfem poket pon kering kan sbb br masok rumah T-T..but who know's what will hapen kn=) planning to go there ke?
InsyaAllah if bleh hantar paper lagi untuk conference. SV aku ckp ada conference kat jepang soh aku anta paper. tapi x sure bile. xpe la. papehal nnt aku ym kamu ya. haha